Here’s Why AFib May Be Especially Dangerous for Women

Here’s Why AFib May Be Especially Dangerous for Women

Women need to be aware of this serious heart arrhythmia because early detection is important.

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is the most common type of abnormal heart rhythm. This irregular heart rhythm can cause blood clots to form in the heart, increasing the risk of stroke 和 heart-related complications if it is not treated. 女性有患此病的风险吗? 如果你有了它会怎么样呢? Read on for answers to common questions about women 和 AFib.

Are women more at risk for AFib than men?

直到最近, it was believed that men were more likely to develop AFib than women, but new research shows that after adjusting for differences in height, a woman's risk of developing AFib is higher than a man's, 根据一项发表在 JAMA心脏病学. It had previously been assumed that women had some protection against AFib, but they don't. Being taller increases the risk for AFib, but if a woman 和 a man are the same height, the woman is more likely to develop the condition.

What complications does AFib cause if not treated?

The chaotic rhythm of AFib makes it more likely that blood clots will form in the heart. This puts you at a greater risk of having a stroke, heart failure or other heart-related complications if the condition is not treated. Since women often aren't diagnosed with AFib as early as men with the condition are, it puts women at greater risk of developing these complications.

Another complication of AFib for women is that it has been shown to increase the risk of cognitive decline, 正如最近在 阿尔茨海默氏症 & 痴呆. The study showed that women with Afib were more likely to have mild cognitive impairment 和 dementia compared to women without AFib 和 men with or without AFib.

Why is it important for women to know they may be at risk for AFib?

心房颤动通常不会引起任何症状. When it does, the most common symptoms are palpitations 和 shortness of breath. 即使女性有心房纤颤症状, healthcare professionals often attribute the symptoms to stress or anxiety. This can cause women to be diagnosed with the condition later than men, or not at all. Missing an AFib diagnosis can be very dangerous because treating AFib helps prevent serious complications like stroke, 心的问题, 认知能力下降甚至死亡.

What should you do if you think you may have AFib?

If you have any symptoms of AFib or have other reasons to think you may have the condition, talk to your doctor 和 ask to be screened. If your doctor or cardiologist doesn't take your symptoms or concerns seriously enough to do an evaluation, 另找医生. It's risky to not properly identify AFib if you have it.


Treatment for AFib may include blood-thinning medications or procedures such as ablation or cardioversion. Although AFib itself usually isn't life-threatening, the complications it may cause due to the development of blood clots may be. This is why it's so important to be diagnosed 和 treated for the condition as early as possible.

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Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 佩里·皮特科,医学博士

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